Heroes of Taliness (OUTDATED)
Published 13.06.2023 02:06
by J the MooseGoose
Total plays: 146
A long time ago, the world was at war. Monsters had been growing they're forces, hoping to enslave and annihilate the human race. But, hundreds of years afterward, a young boy named Samuel (Sammy) heard from his mom that her bag was missing, so he set off to find it. However, he soon eventually realizes that he is not just a normal boy. Join him on his quest! A quest that transformed him from a small knight in training to a godly warrior. Will he save the world, or will he die trying? Its your (and Sammys) job to find out! (btw keep in mind that this is just a demo. the game is still not done yet, but will be soon) (special update added) enjoy playing! ~MooseGoose
yep. thats right! the heroes of taliness demo just came out! its not fully done yet, but i hope you can still enjoy the demo!
I played it but suddenly something happened and now I have to restart the whole game (Well not the whole game since I saved some stuff just incase.)
weird. when i did my test playthrough of the demo, i didn’t encounter anything like that. did you accidentally click the refresh button?
I don’t think I did. I’m guessing it’s because it was pretty laggy on my device. Because there’s a lot in the game so I guess it makes sense if that happens.
Yes the same thing happened to me -.-
oh. you just gotta get back into the game. this has been happening to a few people already, and i don’t know why, but its easy to take care of!
so it seems normal, but if it happens again, reply!
Alright! It’s fine since I can easily go back to where I was. I’ll make sure to save frequently.
I just finished playing. Wow that fun and the conversation were funny.
great! i’m glad you enjoyed the demo! expect more to come soon!
okay! good!
10 plays already!? thanks everyone for playing!
Now 11 lol
both the waiting game and heroes of taliness have gotten twenty plays! tomorrow, i’ll work on heroes of taliness some more!
i just added some more to the game, although its in an area you can’t go too yet…
i hope everybody enjoys the special update!
I’m confused. What did you update?
oh. there are more areas to go to now!
Oh ok. I’ll try to find the new areas!
great! here’s a tip. you just need to beat the other areas again, and then you can enter!
Oh uhm ok thanks! I’ll try it but not now.
Pretty large in scale for a demo, gets me excited for the full release! The maze/dungeon layouts are promising and the important fights are actually a nice challenge without being borderline unbeatable. The dialogue is also rather entertaining- very balanced game so far, I’m looking forward to seeing how the story will continue!
thank you! and i’m excited to release the full version soon!
That would be great!! Looking forward to it.
we’ve already reached over fifty plays! thanks to everyone who has played it! next time i work on this, i’m obviously gonna make some of the areas look better, and i also have plans for some other games! including a possible sequel…
i just speedran my own game demo. (100% non-TAS, although is it even possible to do a TAS speedrun on rpg playground?) upon doing this, i found out my game demo is really easy to speedrun, so anyone who plays this game thats a speedrunner, try your luck! (btw a HOT speedrun can get kinda buggy, but it still wouldn’t be a glitch speedrun.)
so, i just made a few of the areas look nicer, and i also fixed some spelling errors. thats all i did for today, but next time i work on HOT, i’m gonna add a lot more.
i finally worked on it again after like a month. all i really did was make the fabled forest nicer.
pretty soon i will be allowing access to some of the areas that are technically finished. these will be pretty new, and i can’t wait to show them off, especially the next dungeon, octo cave.
“anytime you need help, come to me!” and then he never appeared again.
wow. i just played this again after like a month, and holy crap! nostalgia hit me like twelve bricks! and how old this little game is already, its nearly a year old, which is absolutely insane! O_O
howd the guy in the forest know that was my mother’s bag? what kind of stalker-
he’s a forest elf. he’s magic! he probably read sammys mind!
wow. upon replaying my own game for the millionth time, i realized just how much i’ve learned on my RPG making journey. believe me, my game is gonna be worth the wait. i have a lot of confidence in this game, and all of you have been so nice to me, even though i’ve only been on here for a little less than a year. i’m so happy whenever i play a new game on this site, even if it’s not as good as i thought it would be. you guys are all really creative and this is generally one of the most chill game communities i have ever seen. all right. enough of me talking about sentimental things. all you guys have a good one! 😀 🙂
100 PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great game
does need some polishing though
yeah, i know. that’s why i remastered it and am currently working on a part 2!