Train a Mochimal DEMO

Published 23.11.2023 10:11

by Emeraldgem

Total plays: 11

A cute and ambient game about training Mochimals and defeating the evil queen of Galandia. Note: whenever you see a sign walk in front of it and you will see where a door is and leads too. P.S. A door is right next to a sign. P.P.S. The Tile that is brown in almost every scene shows where an invisible door is. Please excuse some minor bugs this is my first RPG and is a DEMO so it has some limits and if nobody is interested then I will discontinue the game. Some things I would like to add: An inventory Potions Villages Villagers more NPCs Abilities The evil queen more Combat And so much more! If you have any questions comment them down bellow Also when you trying to find the forest on the farm look for a sign and look for the Mochimal in the forest and the academy entrance is next to the sign in the forest.

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