short game about death – transience
Published 19.11.2023 10:11
by hampter
Total plays: 120
*Game may take a minute or two to load!* Hi! My name is hampter and this is my first game. I made it back in 2021 while I had a ton of free time on my hands, and eventually left the project for bigger and better things. Coming back to it in 2023, I decided to publish it without being fully finished, because I'm still proud of the work I put in. I won't likely be finishing it due to being very busy in university, and because it seems as if this platform has locked a lot of content behind a "premium version" which I would rather avoid. Regardless of all that, I hope you like my game! My biggest inspiration was Undertale, especially its underground locations and spooky hidden secrets.
dang. really well made and also kinda depressing. also i have no idea how to get to the evil fairy lady. it tells me to go back to the checkpoint, but there’s nothing there, and i looked everywhere! (rhyme not intended)
OMG someone played my game already! Thanks for the comment MooseGoose!
Here’s a hint on the evil fairy lady: your character can swim down the stream that connects the checkpoint and the field.
aaaah i thought that was just a little mistake, not an actual thing to help with the gameplay! thanks for the hint. i forgot to make a save file though…-_-
Aw nuts I hate when that happens. Thanks for checking my game out !
I am gonna play your game two! >:>
I am confused, how do I get past the checkpoint in the forest to get to the caption and evil fairy lady?
I’m seeing that I should make this more obvious lol! You can swim in the stream that connects the checkpoint to the forest. Thanks for playing!
No problem!
Still great game though it’s fun to play!
Wait I got past it, but how do u get past the cat in the cave after u talk to the lady next to the prehistoric tree, he is blocking the way.
And I cant save either! Plz help me!
or try leaving the area and coming back? that’s an annoying bug, sorry
oh no! that’s not right, you should be able to get past him. try saving and reloading?
Ok I’ll try after working on my game.