Sun Of A Beach : Second Flirt

Published 13.07.2024 11:07

by rhythmic

Total plays: 24

So you have come finally, haven't you? How much do you know about the Ravenport Beach? Have you ever been to there? Sam, our protagonist, has been thrown away from his own house by his own parents. Poor Sam, finding no other way, heads to Davenport Beach where you can commit dozens of crimes secretly. Will you commit? Furthermore, how can you reach those people? Or, will you be the savior of the Beach? The Ancient Sun Civilization will reveal you your true identity. The Beach, the Seashores are only '1' tap behind your journey to become a true 'Sun Of A Beach'! This game contains intense humor..[Note: You can die laughing..We won't be responsible for your death. Thanks if you've clicked our game!!!]