Published 25.01.2024 02:01
by Cali Game Designer
Total plays: 91
Testing to make PETS or NPC's FOLLOW HERO Please COMMENT ADVICE and FIXES or whatever you want.I Picked the BEE enemy changed it to CAT or Whatever NPC you want and gave it 1,000,000 health for test and then removed all ATTACK behaviors but i left (Health Behaviors) and the (Move To Enemy Behaviors) and NPC's Alignment must be set to BAD. Then just set the speed so NPC wont move you. If you want you can test this on 2nd door test on (CAT) i just did in test game.
Smart stuff!
Thanks. i still want to make it smoother.
i actually figured out how to do this a while ago. just give them the bull rush ability, and then remove attack, and boom! you’ve got a following npc! nice job so far, though d-(^_^)
Thank you i will NOTE that . and Thanks
no problem!
ya i actually found another way i just updated it. I Picked the BEE enemy changed it to CAT or Whatever NPC you want and gave it 1,000,000 health for test and then removed all ATTACK behaviors but i left (Health Behaviors) and the (Move To Enemy Behaviors).then just set the speed so NPC wont move you. If you want you can test this on 2nd door test on (CAT) i just did in test game. anyways i just wanted to say that.
the cat test is the best thank you I’m going to use this idea in my game I’m working on.
Thank you and no problem i really just figured it out today.
Been using this for a long time now, be aware that if you increase the movement speed of the NPC it will push the hero around the map. Unfortunately the hero and monsters have to be the same alignment so you’ll need to find a way to trigger the attack on for the cat if you want it to hurt anything for you. If you do though, the hero will need to be out of range (usually 2 tiles) or they’ll take damage as well.
Thank you will definitely Note this for Future.
Cool idea! been trying to figure out how to do this for a while!