The Assassin (MAJOR UPDATE!)
Published 15.05.2023 10:05
by qdp1228
Total plays: 192
A Simple Game About Murdering An Evil King. Talk to your sister who is behind a tree for the full backstory. Patch #1.04 - 3 New Levels (Outpost 1 & 2 + The Market) - Credits at the end of the game - Door Bug Fixed - Map Revamp 2 - Tutorial Added Because Some Bug Testers Have Skill Issues.
ok me like just no fun GRRRRRRRR
ok thanks for ur feed back111@1 we will work to make the rghame better Zuwuwuq2uwehe4yj
Hi! We just released Update 1.04 Which includes 3 new levels and way more enemys in the final level, the castle, based on your sugguestion! we will also add a credits scene after you win which you will be included in the credits!
Hi! We are working on improving the game, as we speak we have just released Update 1.02 which includes powerups, hard mode, tutorials, and new ways to infiltrate the castle!
This game sucks and needs to be taken down
well that was mean. and also, why does it need to be taken down?
stop making this game please
way too easy to speedrun, and i keep dying! /\( TuT)\/ (XoX) but other than that, cool game!
Whats your final time?
my final time i don’t know ‘cuz i don’t keep track, but i could say at least 5-10 minutes.