The Evillious Chronicles – CH. 1; Gluttony [WIP]

Published 30.03.2022 02:03

by Puca-Polka

Total plays: 312

[ ! Warnings: Explicit language, adult themes.] Based on the Vocaloid song series made by Mothy, follow the stories of the different vessels of Sin through the eyes of those affected by their actions. In this chapter, you serve as a maid to lady Conchita, uncovering many mysteries around her manor and discovering her more perverse tastes. Can you survive? Or will you be swallowed up as well?

  • Macmor

    Very well done! Very descriptive! In the dining room Conchita says “what is are”. In the “lady’s room” the bottom right tile needs carpet. Is there anything past the pit? Good work so far!

    • Puca-Polka

      Thanks for notifying me about some of the errors! Yes, there is something beyond the pit within the secret room located in the Lady’s Chambers. Though I have yet to finish it, it should be complete within the next updates. I also plan to have a mostly finished game by then as well, then I will get started on Chapter 2 of this series.