The hero and the mystery
Published 01.01.2022 03:01
by SuitOfArmor12
Total plays: 135
You go to a house to save Drake and Julie's children and you go through a door and fight 3 strong bosses. Can you survive and win? ( cast: The hero, Julie, Drake, May, Pinkie because the baby reminds me of Pinkie from Ice age, Johnny Boi, Unknown man, His 6 goons, Unknown Man true form, Mother Mature, Magic Spy Doctor, The preist, And me. And #plotTwistsAtEnd
8 likes so that I can do a part two so that y’all can know how and what happened to the hero, and if they get a bigger house or not. Plus more gameplay. K
And please don’t skip through the fights and go through the doors instead fight the enemies and then go through the doors. K. Plus I’m new here.
Plus it’s beatable. It’s just hard unless you have a strategy. Make sure you play and like because I worked hard on this.
You can use tokens to make the player have to defeat the enemies before they can use the door.
Thanks a lot Macmor. By the way if you played did you like the ending?
I haven’t tried it yet, just helping out. I might play through it live on stream Tuesday. If I do, I’ll send you the link for the YouTube video.
Okay. Plus there’s a funny last cutscene. When you get to the end talk to the green person. K ( when you play it )
I’m gonna feature it Tuesday, join the Macmor Retro Gaming group.
K. So do I follow your account on here or is it something else. If the follow button on your rpg playground. Then I joined. If something different then you can tell me. Or I might somehow figure it out. K
I think I figured it out. You can check your group members to see if I joined. K
Yup, you’re in. Go to the group and post in the streaming thread. I need title of the game, a description you want me to read and if it’s SFW or not.
Can I somehow register?
Of course, you’re already in the group so go to the forum tab and the instructions are there. Don’t post on the main page. You can be next Tuesday.
Ok, thanks.
I updated the game so that you can’t skip the levels. I used the tokens like you said.
And plus you can interact with others in a 1 block (or a 1 by 1 ) space.
I don’t have a twitch account but when my uncle comes back he will teach me how to make a twitch account and a discord account.
if it’s on twitch
Yeah, it will be on twitch but I’ll be uploading it to Youtube after so you can watch it then.
K. And by the way. If you havent seen in the reply section already. I used the token thing to do the door thing but it took a while to do it. Thanks for telling me about the token thing.
No problem, tokens are your best friend here lol.
Yep. Plus soon I’ll make a sequel to the hero and the mystery once it hits 8 likes. But you’re 100% correct about tokens being everyone’s best friend here.
Wow, nice combat. Also, DID NOT EXPECT THAT. (BTW I am the first to like because I really want a sequal, I NEED TO SEE HOW IT ENDS. lol.)
Don’t worry Fedorakid10. Once it hits 8 likes I will make a sequel. But did you like the end.
Also thanks for liking.
Yes, I liked the end. Maybe use tokens like Macmor said so that the people don’t say the same thing over again or like the doors and stuff. But other than that I can’t wait for the sequal!
K. Plus I think I updated it. I dunno. But I know how to do the tokens. Well now I do. I’m still kinda new here.
It did surprise me when the guy in brown robes was one of the enemies to fight.
The ending was a bit creepy, but I like the game overall 🙂
Thanks for saying. And also I made a sequel of this game so I hope you play that too.