TOg ToG BUt sCaRY?????!!!!!!!!
Published 02.11.2023 11:11
by J the MooseGoose
Total plays: 72
Behold! The ultimate test of stupidity! You are gonna be playing a Tog Tog horror game! And believe me, its gonna be stupid. (And maybe fun...?) Okay. Time for the real game description: A shovel fell on top of Tog Togs head, and e s owt fore bluddy revenj. u mus seve tha sitty frum Tog Tog befor e dastroys everethig. ~RATED S FOR SPOOPY~
This is… legit the best game i have ever played in my entire life-
nice. which ending did you get?
Best grammar ever 😀
I got the death ending :’V
Im gonna try to get a better one-
nice. here’s a hint btw: to get the other ending, look for a place you seemingly canNOT go too. there will be a way… (LOL there’s like, 20 ways to enter XD)
i like the game but the killing not so much
ah understandable. glad you like the game itself though
ah moose goose wanna be friend’s or no
okay do you want to friend me or me friend you?
you can friend me