Welcome to Magica

Published 21.10.2020 09:10

by TopazTheMagi

Total plays: 84

Wander through the town and swamps of Magica, lending a helping hand to someone in need along the way. Controls for first-timers: WASD to move. Click to advance text or make it load faster. Use arrow keys to scroll through choices and spacebar to select them. (for friend's reference) All the cryptic stuff on the statues and whatnot is just for kicks, no unsavory connections here. I just like riddles a lot! (Updated: fixed a bug that cut most of one of the character's lines) (that wasn't fun ><)

  • LikesWine

    Hey! Your game is super sweet. I really like how you have given a lot of thought to your NPC characters and given them some personality. I’m actually really curious to know how you made the text telling your character what to do appear on the screen in the top right corner? I have not encountered that feature yet!

    I am currently making a game that is not yet complete, but is published. I have lots of characters and interactions that I think you might like, I would love if you could test it out and give me some feedback!

    • TopazTheMagi

      Thank you for playing- I’m glad you enjoyed it! Most of my NPCs are based off of OCs I have, so that’s probably where that comes from /u\ The text in the corner is interface text- I ran through the beginning of your game earlier and I thought you had that, actually. It’s the interface text- I just use the “insert action” menu and it’s through the “interface text becomes (…)” tab. Hope you can figure it out ^^
      I did see your game! The beginning looks very nice but I’ll have to wait until school ends to play through it up until where you are. I’ll leave a comment on it when I have time to play it for real (:
      I’m glad you liked my game, and I hope you have a lovely day! ^^

  • Comprehensible

    This is super awesome!
    I absolutely adore your environments – they’re so pretty! Especially the swampy boardwalk and the face in the temple courtyard. The story is well written and engaging. I never felt lost or like something was too far away – no small feat!
    Usually I put ideas on how to grow here, but my only thought is that I wish it was longer. I really enjoyed playing this!
    Great work!

    • TopazTheMagi

      :0!! Thank you so much!! I’m glad you liked it ^^
      I’m feeling more comfortable with the engine now so I’ll probably make more games in the same setting, although copying it might be a pain. (Soo many floor tiles…) There will be more to come!
      Thank you for your feedback and I’m glad you enjoyed the game! Hope you have a wonderful day (: