
Protected: The Road back to the Town

A brave young boy adventuring to search for something in the cave. The items he is looking for are something valuable for someone precious to him. However, something strange arises during his venture. . . | Main Objectives: The user must finish the game's story by completing the main objectives. You are encouraged to complete the main objectives on each level, three main levels in total. On the first level, you will find the main character in a cave where they must find clues and solve puzzles to find a way to exit the cave. On the second level, you will find the main character in a forest and shore. You must be able to solve questions based on the main character's journey starting from the cave. Therefore, carefully reading and remembering the dialogues/ objects/ contexts are recommended. On the third level, you will find the main character in the town. At this level, you can explore freely. However, you must complete the game's story before exploring freely. *You could find the active objectives at the top right corner of the game's screen. | Game Manual Instruction: Please find each of these keys on your keyboard to get to know its function in the game: W : Forward. A : Move to the right. S : Backward D : Move to the left M : Use melee attack, interact with objects/ characters, and confirm an answer. Spacebar: Use melee attack interact with objects/ characters, and confirm an answer. Up Arrow: Choosing between answers from dialogue selection. Down Arrow: Choosing between answers from dialogue selection. | Notes There are some objects on the map that you could interact with, while some are not interactable. You are recommended to prior and complete the main objective located in the top right corner of the game. There is a health bar system and you could find it located at the top right corner of the game. If the health bar reaches zero or below zero the main character will disappear. When the main character engages in a battle, you are recommended to not spam the melee attack button. If the enemy stuck, the game needs to be restarted. If you accidentally failed/ the main character disappears/ stuck; the game needs to be restarted by refreshing the page/ reloading the page/ or alternatively using the shortcut by pressing F5 on the keyboard. When the game restart, you must repeat and start from the very beginning. Have fun learning!

Published 20.09.2022 12:09

by syenadevara

Total plays: 257