Welcome Forums Game Contests The Challenge of : "The Curious Case of Lierra" (due August 25th) Reply To: The Challenge of : "The Curious Case of Lierra" (due August 25th)


Here’s the link to my game: The Curious Case of Lierra – by Aura

I didn’t finish it yet and I didn’t come as far as I wanted to in 3 weeks, but I think it’s a nice first Beta (Or Alpha).

Edit: I think Alpha isn’t fitting here, It is quite much after all, only not as much as I wanted to come. But that is because I wanted to make the following maps a lot darker… and with a light cone maybe? And I need options, character deleting, sound effects (like a scream) etc. … Without all that, it won’t have the atmosphere I wanted it to have…!

Nevertheless, I hope you like it, and enjoy ~~