Welcome Forums Get help Doors, Loading, and Transition

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    How do doors work because I want to use them? If I save a project and try to load later it says data not found and sometimes after making more than one scene some scenes will stop loading. One more thing, is there a way to transition between scenes in game?


    While I can’t answer the other question, as I periodically have the same problem, I can give you a quick door tutorial, so step on in– err… Door pun… Don’t be stiff (;D).

    So, using doors is really easy. All you have to do is place them where you want, then hit the gear button on the menu where you found the door, and click on the door once more. Now that you see the options from this door, click on “To Scene” and select which scene you would like the door to access. If you have multiple doors in that scene, it is advantageous to, after selecting the scene, click on “To Door” and select which particular door you would like to access.

    Hope that helps!


    Hey. I’ve got a problem with the transition of the game at some maps!
    Especially on the transition of map ‘OrpanageIndoor’ to ‘OrphanageIndoor3’ and back! Also at some other maps… I tried to change the name of the doors but that only made things worse 🙁
    Sometimes it loads; sometimes not… Sometimes it teleports me to were I currently stand aso. …
    Here’s the game Link:



    Okay, so after looking over the levels, I know what you did. The doors are doubled; meaning, you placed a door and then placed ANOTHER invisible door over it. One door will suffice, and placing multiple doors is both unnecessary and messes with the functions. The doors that are visible work the same as the ones that aren’t.


    Oh… Stupid me lol xD
    I’ll fix that right away!! Somehow I created those doors and then forget they were events too… :X

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