Welcome Forums Requests new tile sets

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  • #568

    Hey…might this be useful for some new tile sets?



    I’m not a graphic designer…but i set this tile set to 256 px wide and 32 px per sq inch…..so if this tile set will work i can roust up a few more I think….

    Steampunk Tile Set


    I need some new tiles…ships and water would be nice….steampunky stuff like train cars or even mining cars…and steamy type machinery….Maybe some cavern stuff..stalactites etc….Some animals like a horse, cow, some chickens, cats or dogs….A spacey tile set would be awesome too…but I guess that’s a whole nuther game 😛


    Hey. I created a water tileset. It’s the first Tileset I created so far, so I don’t know if it’s usable or not… If it is, feel free to add tiles, anyone! 😉

    img src="<http://fs5.directupload.net/images/170619/qjedxzmg.jpg&#8221; />
    ~ Aura

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Aura.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by deWiTTERS.

    Heres a watertile I created. It’s the first tile i ever created, so I dont know if its usable…
    Water Tileset


    Here is a water tileset I created…

    Water Tileset


    Okay… I re-designed it a little bit:

    Tileset Water2

    I don’t know, if its usable, cause this is the first time I created a tileset… If it is, feel free to add new tiles to this set!

    Edit: It is just a really small change – you actually even might not notice the change… But I wanted it to be as ‘perfect’ as possible! ^.^’

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Aura.

    … I can’t edit the post above so I have to post again… Sorry.

    Here is the newest version of the tileset:


    (How to implement pictures?!)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Aura.

    Hey, I know this is an old thread, but I know people have been begging for weapons in the game for awhile now, and I have 8 (but might make more at any time) pixel art swords that are slightly smaller than 32×32 pixels, but the png files themselves are 32×32… So… if needed, I have swords…


    Oh that is nice! I found some swords from Legacyblade, but I have to adapt them a bit.

    Which license is on the swords that you have?


    License? Like a copyright or something? I just created them randomly one day and they happened to be the right size (almost) so, no copyright or anything, guess they would be considered public domain had I ever published them anywhere…

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by SirPurple04. Reason: Misspelling

    Ah it wasn’t clear to me that you created them! Are they animated (for use in an action battle system), or more still images to put in an inventory?


    They are still images. I imagined for right now, they would probably be more of a decorative item, but I think a cool mechanic would be if they counted as “NPCs” and had a mechanic added for NPCs being “Vanish” and “Reappear”, after an interaction, if given the action “Vanish” would make them disappear, and you would not be able to interact with it. If told to “reappear” it will appear again and you will be able to interact with it once more, it could be useful for characters who are ghosts, and picking up items…

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