A Lill’ Girls Tale – Ver 1.1
Published 01.10.2019 02:10
by Aura
Total plays: 6641
Lill is an orphan living in an Orphanage in the Forest! One day Mrs Fye, the Mistress of the Orphanage, calls her, to tell her that her Birthday Present was taken by a cat and she has to find it! Lill starts to search the cat – and eventually gets involved into something bigger…! Solve riddles…and join Lill on her journey to another realm! Will she find the answers she's searching for?
I think this game is a demo because I can’t find the cat VERY EASY DEMO
Hello Dave o/
So… there’s actually more story to find out! It’s true that you can’t find the cat – instead the plot takes you in a whole different direction!
Here’s a little hint: After you talked to Mrs. Fye inside of the orphanage, search around a bit outside! There might be someone/something who/that will help you progressing…
i swear i have checked every nook. … WHERE IS THAT FRICKIN FAIRY
…but otherwise very fun beginning. ive played legend of the 3 orbs. Aura IS AMAZING AT THIS
yes i found the fairy and cant wait for the game to be continued!
I really love this RPG! It’s clear that a lot of hard work went into it. The scenery is gorgeous, the characters are well though out, and the plot is interesting. I think where the main character has to go could be a little more well thought out; I found myself getting lost once or twice. Otherwise, this is a stellar game. Great work!
ONCE OR TWICE??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I am completely lost. Where are the entrances in the dark forest???
Thank you very much! You may be right that the starting area may be confusing at some points… For that, I thought a quest system (where your current task is shown) would be great! Maybe that would make the game a little bit “easier” to play!
And you’re right: It was a lot of work so far. I’m glad you all enjoy playing my game 🙂
where is the cat?
how do you display the quest?
Yo! So again I’m just going to say what others said about the scenery being beautiful. I like your art style.
One thing that I noticed was some of the wells I couldn’t get to their ‘invisible message’ either the well itself was blocking my way or mushrooms sometimes. So like I think it was the third well, I couldn’t get to it’s message through the game. At first I didn’t think there was anything but going into the creator tools I saw there was and it also looks like it’s important to get to the wells. So just a heads up (^_^)
Thanks for the feedback! So I looked into it and the wells work for me… But to make it more clear where you have to ‘speak’ to the third well, I placed a little shrub. Hope that makes it more obvious ^^
Hey. Just a question: Are you using the mouse or the keyboard? I just noticed that when you use the mouse it doesn’t work…
Oh! I see what my problem was *palmface* I didn’t get the right order of the wells. I found the third one first, I didn’t look at that close enough. I didn’t realize there was an order.
But yeah, nevermind. It works (^_^)/
So I don’t know if you want to make the order of the wells matter or not but this would be a good place (search for the wells) to have that quest objective thing. Perhaps, as a substitute for now you could have a “designated helper” someone to always ask “what should I do now?” Like maybe it Audrey.
`if hero has token “SearchTheCat”
Audrey says “Have you found the cat yet?”
if hero has token “FindWells”
Audrey says “There are so many wells around here!”`
Or something like that. May take some tinkering.
Just an idea.
Okay, I changed the fairy dialogue and what Audrey says when you found the fairy! Hope it’s more obvious now that you have to search for the places in a specific order… And if there will ever be a the option of a quest system, I will immediately implement it! ^-^/
Heh heh, Awesome (^_^)
I just spent 20-40 minutes looking for the person after the fortune teller, and I come back to get some humor in this fortune teller, because I didn’t read the last line she had. Lol! It was great! I wouldn’t have gotten far without going through creators mode to get what’s going on. But that’s because i’m horrible at puzzles! This was and is a spectacular puzzler, so keep up the great work!
how do you get the SearchTheCat thing
Hey cool kid,
so to answer your question: You won’t really find the cat right now… While advancing in the story, at some point you will definitely be able to meet the cat, but that’s not implemented yet! It’s involved in the complexity of the story… I can’t tell you more right now, or I’ll spoil! 😉
when are you adding the cat
I just found your game and realize that it is over a year since the last comments. Just want to let you know I loved it. I grew up playing JRPGs and your game was so nostalgic with the a lively story and mini-quests. By the way, I thought the meta-game creator dialog at the end was really funny.
Point of feedback without trying to spoil anything if someone else reads this post: I really had no idea where to go after the third well until I accidentally stumbled across the scenes in the sidebar and looked at the invisible areas on the one with the third well. It looks like there is a path, but it looked like I couldn’t walk there. Other than that, this game was wonderful!
Thanks for your feedback! Nice to hear you liked the game! 🙂
I also like the game it took me days!
I love this game! The details are amazing! But I can’t find all the children for hide and seek! I found three though. Can anyone give me a hint? (I found the one by the tree, the one that says screws, and the boy at the church.)
Hey SkyFireFalls, the last one is a bit tricky. Search near the statue of Geoah… Hope that helps^^
This is a really fun and interesting game. I like it that at some points in the game, it gets more challenging. The more challenging it is, the more you want to get it done, the more you play it, the more fun you have. For my YouTube channel, I might do a walk-through on this game. But don’t worry about spoilers, because the first part will be all of the talking with everyone, and before I do the second part, I give out a challenge, that is if you finish what the next vid is going to be, J release the next part earlier…If you want to check out the channel, go to BREN.N.Z.
I’m just stumped I thought I went through the whole forest and I didn’t find any clues
I agree
I couldn’t find any additional clues to find the fairy.
I also agree
I’ve looked all over that forest, searching for clues and whatnot, But I can’t find the fairy, can you give me a hint to how to bet that puzzle?
First Talk to the scarecrow;
then go to the tree in the forest with the note;
after that, you will be able to find the fairy in a room in the orphanage…
Good luck 😉
I can’t find the tree with the note
Nevermind I found it 🙂
Where is it?
I can’t find the fairy still…
I need help
the game is amazing, but I can’t get the well in the fairy mission ;-;
Where is the fairy? I found the note but I don’t know where the sometimes dark sometimes light part…..
Okay nevermind I finished it… haha
where is it?
the fireplace in the kitchen. yk in the orphanage there is a “door” to the kitchen on the left side
If you go up the stairs after talking about the cat you get stuck there
Where is the tree with a note?
Dear Creator,
I’m having trouble solving the riddle, “Search for me that somewhere dark but can also be very bright.” Also I love the RPG. Maybe you can tell more specific details in the top right corner of what to do. But overall, I love this game!
A tip: Search for the fairy inside of the orphanage!
the fairy is in the orphanage in the kitchen on the right side once you enter
so cool!
The scenery is amazingly well made! I took a little time to do all the puzzles but it’s really enjoyable to play!
Tyvm Kuroha! 🙂
I need help finding that fairy!
nevermind. Found it
it is hard to find the cat but i found it!
this game is hard to figure out but great design, love the scenery
great game! i’ve already beaten legend of the three orbs, so i’m trying to beat aura’s other games! i’m glad the sword mechanic is disabled from this game because A: it really wouldn’t fit. and B: because i find it really annoying when i’m speeding through dialogue i’ve already heard and then i just randomly pull out the sword! the scenery for this game is absolutely amazing! i love how the bees aren’t enemies in this game, instead their a background element! its great! one of my favorite games, probably number 4 on my list. but yeah! now i gotta find those three wells. (=_=)
Where is the fortune teller?
Where is the tree with the note?
It’s from the outside of the orphanage and to the west! There’s a little fence!
Ok thanks!
I wanna know how to make the playable character say something right when the game opens
how do i do that?
Put this invisible_floor_switch1 thing on the same tile the hero is on and it should work
Hope that helps.
And how do i for example:
Make a person stand still until you talk with another person that is in a whole other area where the person standing still is not located
Sorry i am filling the comments, i just want to learn, i just started 3 days ago..
and this is my first game:
love it <3
hi i really dont now how to find the fary
Very nice game. I finished it, and I think you should add more to it. I’m very interested in what happens next.
how do I find Lorda??? is it a boy or girl?
oh ok nvm
so I finished but where is the last kid?
How do you make it so that when you talk to someone at first they say something then if you talk to them again they say something else, for example the lady near the mother’s grave says something diffrent when you are looking for the cat and when you first enter the game?
Question: How do you use tokens? I tried it, but I can’t figure it out… it wasn’t exactly explained.
Imagine tokens as keys. If you have the key, it can do something (like open the door). If you lack it, you can’t do that. Now what tokens do, is exactly like that, only that it is not always a door to open. You can use it for example to toggle an event. Lay an invible actor on the floor (for example at the entrance to a new scene). Use the if hero lacks token funktion like this: If hero lacks token “Event1” > hero says “Let’s begin.” > hero recieves token “Event1” > else > “We already began.” So this says that if the hero has the token “Event1” (you may name your token however you want), your character says “Let’s begin.” and if you walk over the invisible actor again, your character says “We already began.” I know this sounds overwhelming at first, but you will get your way around after you’ve used this a few times. Hope this helped, Aura.
How do I find the fairy?
This is just amazing. beautiful, fun, and clearly a lot of effort put into it. Keep on making games, Aura! 🙂