Dungeon, Start!
Published 22.04.2019 07:04
by EternityLost
Total plays: 3286
I really just made a rpg, with all that I've learned. There isn't really a story, as I have messed up a few parts, such as the beginning level. Let me know if there's anything I should change, add, or remove!
Add the third dungeon, that’s all I’ve got to say.
The part, Neo gets stuck and a Demon I can’t exit
same here
y same
Yeah, I have the same problem 🙁
blue toad best toad
i spent a hour on trying to figure out how to get past the demon level !!!!!!!
whoops. I replied to the wrong comment.
Im stuck at bed in home
same, every time you wake up you go back to sleep
i got
stuck on the bed at home and i cant get up
ME 2
When u leave the bed, just don’t press any keys at all. wait a bit, then go. That’s what worked for me, at least.
stuck in the bed how do i get out
solo agrega la mazmorra 3 mejora la dos y de ahí en adelante muy genial
the game is not good
i’m going to have a gooder game
that is my game that will be “gooder”
es un muy buen juego, pero podrias arreglar el bug de quedarse atrapado en la cama, yo lo solucione aprentando el boton de atacar apenas me levantaba, sin ese bug es un muy buen juego
I can’t figure out how to get out of bed
hold left
i got stuck at the safe spot of the 2nd dungon
what happens?
este juego es una mierda, que coño tienes que hacer?
I can’t get off the bed in dungeon 2
Me to I can’t seem to exit the demon part
so uhm.. I wanted to go to sleep but ended up being stuck in the bed XD (Tried to leave but I keep being placed there lol)
good game but when i go to shelp in the save zone of the dungeon 2 i stock in the game
I am currently stuck in the bed on after the first dungeon.
me too
me to
If you keep holding forward while pressing the text over and over at the same time you can get out of the bed. It takes some time, though…
bro that bed has a consiousness and just trapped me in it.
Same I can’t get out XD
i think there is a way. just pretty much button mash LOL
I’m sorry, mabey its just because I am stupid. But I don’t know how I get armor.