Short, hilarious, and flawed. Good effort! :}
Be sure to use Tokens to make npc chat not repeat.
Make sure any invisible doors AREN’T ON THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE MAP.
Sorry I was trying to backtrack at the end of yer game and it just got me stuck outside the map…
Idk y but this is great for no reason, I hope you make a slower paced better version though, I imagine as your first game, this is a test so quick tip, idk if this happens anymore and I’m too afraid to check but save constantly cause after a while you can’t save anymore since there’s too much in your game
Ok it was a good game but i found a bug. If you skip henerys house and go straight to the monsters. you cant go through to the place where all of the people are unless you go to henerys house and back to to where the monsters were and then it will let you go so if you could please try to fix that. But othere than that it was pretty good!
It was really AWSOME…. But there were a few problems
1. This is probably just the rpg playground, but you kept getting stuck in the doors, like once you walk into a door it would glitch and bring you into the door but not bring you into the actual place
2. There were no directions on where to go so I kept wondering around aimlessly
Everything else was awsome, but most of all I think the map looked really coo. I could’ve never had done that for my first game that’s for sure……
you don’t even need to defeat the goblins. you can go to the path to the town where the main character says that the monsters are behind him, but i think sunnyray used an invisible floorswitch instead of an invisible actor, so you can just skip past it in true speedrunner fashion.
really funny game! i was laughing my butt off the first time i played it, and i even put a reference to it in my game, see if you can catch the reference when i’m done with the game and if you play it! great game!
i find it really creepy that after talking to “henery” and leaving his house, if you enter again “henery” will just be gone. where the heck did he go!?!
bro tess from mrs gooserhams classroom moved into the village and changed her name to abbie because she didn’t want anyone to know that she killed 17 people. thats what happened after mrs gooserhams classrooms genocide ending. ( O. O) BIG BRAIN
Wow, cool game! You have a lot of stuff in here already.
who ever made it should make it longer
its a nice game
Short, hilarious, and flawed. Good effort! :}
Be sure to use Tokens to make npc chat not repeat.
Make sure any invisible doors AREN’T ON THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE MAP.
Sorry I was trying to backtrack at the end of yer game and it just got me stuck outside the map…
very nice
Lovely work! Well done!
Some of the doors don’t work properly, but apart from that, this game is wonderful!
I think the doors are just hard to go into in general, because it took me a long time to even get into level one of my game
Yeah. Same.
Idk y but this is great for no reason, I hope you make a slower paced better version though, I imagine as your first game, this is a test so quick tip, idk if this happens anymore and I’m too afraid to check but save constantly cause after a while you can’t save anymore since there’s too much in your game
I liked it, the dialog was funny. I will put my game names in here if you want to try mine out 🙂
Flying Sheep 1
Flying Sheep 2
Please play!
this is your first game? if i didnt know that i would have thought this was a cool alpha game its so good countinue making amazing games : )
Ok it was a good game but i found a bug. If you skip henerys house and go straight to the monsters. you cant go through to the place where all of the people are unless you go to henerys house and back to to where the monsters were and then it will let you go so if you could please try to fix that. But othere than that it was pretty good!
Please make more games
That was sooooooooooooooooooo boring
Hey can you tell me whats the best bit
XD Very funny dialogue and story. I really enjoyed it!
It was really AWSOME…. But there were a few problems
1. This is probably just the rpg playground, but you kept getting stuck in the doors, like once you walk into a door it would glitch and bring you into the door but not bring you into the actual place
2. There were no directions on where to go so I kept wondering around aimlessly
Everything else was awsome, but most of all I think the map looked really coo. I could’ve never had done that for my first game that’s for sure……
got any “goodies”
Nice, phish
i like the sus guy at the end but whaen i chose the word sus he disapear!!
this is the funniest game ive played in awhile
anyone else tried killing those kids?
I cant get past the goblins they always do just enough damage to kill me… and I drank the potion too!
you don’t even need to defeat the goblins. you can go to the path to the town where the main character says that the monsters are behind him, but i think sunnyray used an invisible floorswitch instead of an invisible actor, so you can just skip past it in true speedrunner fashion.
really funny game! i was laughing my butt off the first time i played it, and i even put a reference to it in my game, see if you can catch the reference when i’m done with the game and if you play it! great game!
i find it really creepy that after talking to “henery” and leaving his house, if you enter again “henery” will just be gone. where the heck did he go!?!
I remember this- he’s hiding under the bed bc he’s scared of you
I just didn’t put it in the game bc i didn’t know how to
oh. you can use an invisible floor switch in place of him. thanks for telling me that!
Ty! I can’t fix it tho bc this game no longer shows up on my edit screen :’(
oh! thats okay!
Oops, i logged into the wrong account… ♀️
bro tess from mrs gooserhams classroom moved into the village and changed her name to abbie because she didn’t want anyone to know that she killed 17 people. thats what happened after mrs gooserhams classrooms genocide ending. ( O. O) BIG BRAIN
I think this game looks very good.
wow. looking back, this was the first ever funny RPG playground game i ever played! amazing… which was already months ago… :0
Lol- your comments made me decide to create another game (its unfinished but released now) on my alt 🙂 tysm for enjoying my games..
awesome! i’ll play it!
i loved your game is was so fun funer than my game i love every thing in the game good job
Nice first game! I love how everyone is passive aggressive against the player character XD
hay i cant go and kill the monsters
nvm i just was not paying atenshon :)))))))))
The story is kind of… well it isn’t bad but It could be better. I think it is pretty good tho. (:
il y a trop de bug .
Honestly, I can’t battle the monsters you didn’t give me enough health
yeah is not bad,but you have to fix a hous✔e.