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  • #74449

    Oh yeah, I forgot to do this, o o p s

    Game: The Life Of A Shopkeeper

    genre(s): RPG, adventure

    kewl description: You wake up in the morning and punch some of the dummies in your backyard, until your brother comes up to you and starts a chain of events, more in the game description I think it’s a lot better there-

    length: i’d say 20-30 mins


    yeah, maybe i should it’s a bit rough, thx for the reply tho


    as a 3rd of the game, i mean like fractions so I might finish that much of the game. To be honest, I think I will just ask for you to check Chapter 1 instead, since checking a WIP game over and over would be quite tedious.


    I’d love to participate in your challenge, but the game I’m making is currently a, well, I’m still making it. so if you would check in every time I update, would that work? I still update often, maybe weekly I might finish a 3rd of the game or something. Does that work out, or not?

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